
Wednesday, August 3, 2016

A Day In her Shoes Recap

My feet hurt and my heart is heavy. July 30th was the UN World Day Against Trafficking in Persons and I participated in A Day In Her Shoes to raise awareness about human trafficking and to raise funds to prevent human trafficking where it happens. I went about my day as usual, chasing kids, washing clothes and buying groceries, all while wearing my heels (note to self: next year don't do grocery shopping on the same day as A Day In Her Shoes). Throughout the day my sore feet were a reminder of the pain and trauma experienced by survivors of human trafficking. Obviously the pain caused by high heeled shoes is insignificant compared to that of slavery and abuse, but each time I thought of my sore feet I reminded myself that...
...Today we wear the same shoes but my freedom means that our day will look very different. 
...I have so many choices but not everyone has the freedom that I have to choose. 
...When my feet get sore I have the power to take these heels off. No one should be forced into sex slavery.
Being reminded of this issue constantly throughout the day weighed heavily on my heart but I'm glad that by participating in this campaign I have helped to raise awareness about human trafficking. Also, the money raised from this years’s A Day In Her Shoes Campaign will help to fund Abolishion’s prevention programs in Romania. Read more

Visit Abolishion to learn more about human trafficking and what you can do to fight it.

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